OTG USB Flash Drives


OTG USB Flash Drives with Cap, Custom

OTG USB Flash Drives Make a Computer & Grow Brand Image

Can OTG USB Flash Drives Help Make Smart Phones Future Computers?

Updated Feb 2017

Since we first posted this article in Nov 2015, we have worked with hundreds of small businesses, Fortune 500 clients and consumers promote their brands via mobile device flash drives that connect to desktop computers and mobile devices. Following this post, we provide you an update on our lessons learned. Here is a summary:

  • OTG mobile flash drives are starting to really pick up in Asia
  • Selfies, selfie sticks and other mobile tech trends often start in Asia
  • We are seeing early adopters using more dual OTG USB drives to market themselves and their organizations

On a November 20, 2015 Wall Street Journal (WSJ) video post entitled, “Microsoft Lumia 950: Can a Phone be a Computer?,” the business publisher has hit on trend that we have seen coming over the past few years.  We see a growing number of clients requesting custom flash drives that plug into both smartphones / mobile devices and desktop computers / Macs.  This allow you to access files from both your smartphone or your computer with an OTG flash drive.

The founders of CustomBulkUSB use these dual OTG (on to go Android and iPhone) flash drives in their personal and professional lives every day in many ways:

  • use their custom OTG flash drives as promo giveway items to help promote their brands at conferences and industry tradeshows
  • lower the cost of their cell phone data plans by moving large photo and video files from their Android mobile devices and iPhones and iPads to their desktop PCs with the OTG USB flash drives
  • share memories with family and friends during their recent family reunion in San Francisco
  • create unique gift items for friends, colleagues and family members
  • make digital products from their books and other publications by loading the material onto a OTG swivel or credit card flash drive
  • share photo and video files with participants during public speaking events
  • watch large videos and movies directly from OTG flash drives when not connected to the Internet or cannot access WIFI

In the WSJ video review by Joanna Stern, she highlights benefits and shortfalls of the the OTG Microsoft Lumia 950:

Benefits of Lumia 950 Phone as a Computer

  • Connects phone to large computer screen
  • Interfaces with keyboard and mouse
  • Can access MS Office software from smartphone
  • Can access different tabs and apps through ALT-TAB function
  • High quality camera
  • Ability to access iris feature for bio recognition security (eyes vs passwords)
  • Cannot access some of your favorite apps with the Lumia 950
  • Android and iOS by Google and Apple are so far ahead of Microsoft in marketshare

Despite the shortcomings of Lumia’s access to leading apps and very limited marketshare, we believe that Microsoft is onto something:  for many people the smartphone will be the  preferred OTG computer or will augment consumers’ current desktop or laptop computing environments.  In tech-savvy, emerging countries, we believe that smart phones will be the only computer for billions of people around the world.  However due to expensive data plans, these smartphone computing platforms will have to be augmented by mobile flash drives.  Plug in a 64GB or 128GB flash drive to your Android mobile phone or iPhone, and you much of what you need, anytime, anywhere!

CustomBulkUSB provides OTG flash drives at affordable rates to meet nearly all budgets: Inquire at info@CustombulkUSB.com.

Look for upcoming lessons learned on OTG USB drive trends in marketing…